There's Safety in Numbers and Symbols!

With passwords for everything from your Facebook account, recipe collection, shopping cart, and even your child’s homework, the digital world has brought us an influx of information management, but unfortunately did not include an instruction manual.

While the average password typically has an uppercase letter and a number, these passphrases are often easily deciphered when centering on birthdays, pet names, or items seen around the designated workspace. Today, we’d like to share a few suggestions from our Information Technology Specialists, to help you craft more intensive passwords, which better protect both you and your information.  

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By committing to creating more complex passwords, and utilizing tools and tactics you trust, you can better safeguard your life online and protect your personal information from unwanted attention.

At Lincoln Savings Bank we believe that simple pro-active actions can yield a slew of benefits for your financial future. If you’d like to learn more about cyber-security, continue to read our blog, and visit its dedicated cyber-security section. We’ll be posting monthly topics about how to best protect yourself online.

Lincoln Savings Bank. Member FDIC.
