Reflecting on Community Banking Month and the Contributions of the LSB Foundation

As we reflect on Community Banking Month, it's a perfect time to shine a spotlight on the incredible contributions of Lincoln Savings Bank (LSB) and our impactful arm, the LSB Foundation. From our humble beginnings in 1902 as a community bank serving rural Iowa, LSB has remained committed to its roots while expanding its reach to include the Cedar Valley and Des Moines markets. But even amidst our growth, LSB understands that true wealth lies in the strength of community bonds and that our success is intertwined with the prosperity of the communities we serve.   

What sets LSB apart as a community bank is our genuine partnership with our customers and communities. Beyond financial services, we actively engage in initiatives aimed at fostering economic prosperity, social well-being, and environmental sustainability. Whether it's sponsoring local events, volunteering time and resources, or providing financial education, LSB is committed to helping everyone thrive.  We believe in building stronger communities by engaging in acts of kindness and service which we like to call "Lincoln Love". 

One shining example of LSB's commitment to community betterment is the LSB Foundation. Established in 2005, the foundation has been a driving force behind numerous initiatives aimed at uplifting the communities we serve.  In 2023 alone, the LSB Foundation granted over $200,000 to various causes, bringing our cumulative contributions to an impressive $3.9 million distributed among more than 350 organizations. The grant funds have supported initiatives ranging from education, and financial literacy to arts and culture, touching lives and making a tangible difference where it matters most. 

One of the most significant ways the LSB Foundation embodies this spirit of "Lincoln Love" is through our scholarship awards and employee match program.  

Over $250,000 in scholarships have been awarded to high school seniors within our footprint, over the past several years, proving the LSB foundation invests in the future, ensuring that the next generation has the support they need to succeed. In addition, the LSB Foundation’s employee matching program allows LSB staff to donate through the LSB Foundation to causes they are passionate about through payroll deduction. Those donations are matched by the Foundation, doubling the impact to those organization.    

So as we celebrate the culmination of Community Banking Month, we take pride in the LSB Foundation's accomplishments and the role it plays in enriching the lives of those around us. We are grateful for the opportunity to serve our communities, and we look forward to continuing our journey as trusted partners and stewards of positive change.