Spoil Your Sweetie, Not Your Budget

Valentine's Day Spending

As you stand there in the chaotic flurry of reds, pinks, glitter and lace, you begin to question why you’re about to spend $9 on a frilly card adorned with words you didn’t even write. If it’s any consolation, you’re not alone.

According to the National Retail Federation’s Valentine’s Day consumer spending survey in 2015, each person in the U.S. will spend an average of $142.31 on gifts, which is up from the previous year! So how does one make it through this heart-filled holiday while still keeping their budget in tact? We can help you with that!

Get Creative

There are immeasurable ways to celebrate a priceless Valentine’s Day. Your imagination is truly the limit:

  • Home Movies- Blow the dust off some old home movies, grab some snacks and spend the evening reminiscing.
  • Candlelit Dinner- You don’t need to spend $150 on a delicious dinner. Cook a phenomenal dinner at home and avoid the tiny portions, bustling crowds and cold weather. If you’re up for it, you can even cook the meal together!
  • Use Your Own Words- Instead of relying on a glittery overpriced card, write to your loved one in your own words. Take some time to pen a letter, a poem, or even a song. (Bonus points if you actually sing it to them!)
  • Game Night- Gather your favorite board games and snacks for a competitive evening.
  • Budget Challenge- Go to the mall with low-budget limits around $10 each. Split up and pick out something for the other person, then regroup to exchange gifts and explanations of your choices.
  • Think Outside the Box- Just because the country sets a designated date to celebrate doesn’t mean you are limited to the 14th. When you can save up to 50% on roses or holiday memorabilia by waiting until a few days after the holiday, it gets a bit harder to rationalize the extra expenses.  
  • Create a New Tradition- Celebrate in a new unique way! Whether this means donating your time to serve someone in your community or having a karaoke sing-off, go for it!

Before you get carried away

Plan Ahead. We don’t advise getting home on the evening of the 14th and announcing you won’t be buying gifts this year. It’s always a good idea to discuss this ahead of time to make sure your significant other is on the same page.  

Create a Game Plan. When you’re both working toward the same goal, you can have much more fun planning your holiday. Discuss your game plan and have something fun to anticipate. You could even talk about your future goals to provide motivation to spend less now.

Include the Whole Gang. Valentine’s Day is not just a holiday for couples. Include the whole family in any of the above ideas for a fun family night. You can not only avoid the cost of babysitting, but invest in some great memories for your kids. They might even enjoy creating some hand-made valentines for their friends instead of buying the same card as five other kids in their class.

Go all out

Do you absolutely live for February 14th and can’t bear to skimp on the big day? Don’t worry! If you are dedicated to your budget, but still want to splurge, you can have your cake and eat it too. Just plan ahead and adjust your spending to compensate. This might mean skipping the morning lattes for a while or ignoring the impulse to order takeout when you have a fridge full of food, but it is definitely attainable with discipline.

Whether you decide to spoil your sweetheart with a night on the town or spend a cozy evening at home, we encourage you to think of ways to love them throughout the entire year. We have no doubt that will be worth more than any gift you could buy.

Lincoln Savings Bank, Member FDIC
