Topic: Personal Finance

Holiday Gift Ideas on a Budget

To help you enjoy the holiday season without spending a ton of money, Lincoln Savings Bank has compiled a list of tips for giving gifts that won't break the bank.

Give it the Ol' College Try: Why Finding Financial Aid is Important

Give it the Ol' College Try: Why Finding Financial Aid is Important posted 5/13/2014 in General The cost of a college education is rising, making financial

Affordable Summer Staycations

At Lincoln Savings Bank we love finding great destinations in our own backyard. Here are a few of our employees' favorite midwestern vacations from their summer travels throughout the years!

Iowa Home Financing Programs at Lincoln Savings Bank

Learn about all the different home financing programs LSB offers for Iowan home buyers. Lincoln Savings Bank, making mortgages simpler.

It's Time to Get Serious About Saving for College: Everything you need to know

Let's get started with your college savings. College isn't cheap so you'll need to save sooner than later! Part 1/3.

Things to Remember When Budgeting for a Move

At Lincoln Savings Bank, we recognize that moving is so much more than boxes and bubble wrap. A new home is a new beginning, a clean slate, and a chance to start something fresh. Today, we want to help you kickstart your new home by sharing some of our best tips and tricks for making the most of your move.

10 Vendors You'll Need When Buying a Home

At Lincoln Savings Bank, our team takes great joy in seeing those around our community reach their home ownership dreams – and we make it our mission to help make it happen! We receive countless questions on what to do before or after buying a home. If you're curious who you might need to contact prior to signing on the dotted line, below is a list of the most common vendors we constantly recommend.

[GUIDE] Your Lifetime Financial Cheat Sheet

[GUIDE] Your Lifetime Financial Cheat Sheet posted 8/13/2015 in General Financial matters are a great source of stress for Americans of all ages, and Linco

How to Improve Your Credit Score Now and Over Time

Improving your credit score won't happen overnight, it takes work and commitment. We have some tips for things you can change immediately, and overtime to develop habits that will get you the score you want.

Your Guide to Succession Planning

A delay in succession planning can lead to a number of serious consequences. Start planning today by reading our guide!

Different Budget Methods: Which Works Best for You?

Creating a budget AND following through with that budget is a lifelong skill that separates those who manage money well and those who don't. With all the different opinions on how to budget, the question becomes "Which budget is right for me?" We chose three different budgeting methods for you to compare and see which one best fits your lifestyle.